The Portfolio

The site partner material is due in class on the date posted in your syllabus. Your full portfolio should include the equivalent of about 15 double-spaced pages of text.

1. Include each final document. Refer back to your portfolio proposal that outlines detailed information about your site partner documents such as

    • your target audience
    • their background knowledge,
    • your site partner’s goals in having you write the text
    • readers’ probable goals for picking up the text
    • how your site partner and target readers are likely to use the text (what might they do with the information after reading
    • any constraints on the document based on reading skill or level
    • how your document fits into the larger context of your site or other documents on this topic
    • what the text itself needs to look like

The final documents in the portfolio should be as close as possible to what your site partner has asked you to produce.

2. Also include in your folder all workshop sheets and drafts of the document in progress. If you have more than one document you’ve prepared, be sure to include drafts and review sheets for all documents.

3. Prepare a final list of works cited in or referred to for the documents.

4. Include photocopies or URLs for the major sources you’ve relied on. I won’t guarantee that I’ll have time to fact-check thoroughly, but I want to be able to do spot-checking when any questions arise. And site partners may decide to fact check throughout.