How to maintain a good working writing relationship with the student: Although we do our best to prepare the student to treat this partnership as a professional relationship, we recognize that some students may not yet understand what it means to develop professional writing relationships. To support you as a site partner we have outlined some concerns that previous participants brought to our attention and how to address these concerns.

  • Understand course expectations.
  • Set clear parameters for your participation.
  • While the course policy statement and assignment description outline your participation generally, we encourage you to specify how you envision your collaboration with the student. For example, we require that the student meets with you three times during the semester; however, you may want regular updates on the drafting process. Conversely, you may only want to see a near-complete draft. We encourage you to create timelines and clearly express your needs with the student. Particularly if you have a publication or event deadline that doesn't match with the semester schedule, please let students know so that we can work to make the schedule work smoothly. We want support you and your organization, so please feel free to contact us and make us aware of your timelines and needs. If you would like help with this process please view the planning sheet .

  • Establish favored modes of communication.
  • Avoid Plagiarism.
  • Keep us informed.