• Drafting vs. Final Product
  • Integrating images with your written text

    Some site partners may ask you to create a document(s) that incorporate images or other visual features in the document. While we spend time in class discussing how to integrate visual elements in the documents, we want to ensure that your written text accurately meets the needs of the audience your site partner wants to reach. Therefore, we encourage you to concern yourself with the written component of the text first. So you might want to treat your initial drafts like a paper you would write for a class. This practice will allow you to see how visual elements can be strategically used to support the message within the text. Finally, we encourage you to discuss appropriate formats both with your site partner and your instructor. Some site partners want to do their own formatting and document preparation; others will expect you to hand over a “publication ready” document. Make sure you’re clear about the site partner’s needs and wishes.

  • Considering document format